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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2010

Where are Tomorrow's IT Leaders?

Susan Cramm This week I met with some senior IT leaders to discuss my new book and the future of IT. At the end of the discussion, one of the participants expressed concern about the ability to develop future IT leaders in light of the fact that the company is outsourcing and "we aren't hiring junior IT people anymore." As I looked around the table, I realized that this organization is running on the leaders they developed five, 10, even 15 years ago, in their pre-outsourcing days. These people are getting older and looking tired. Outsourcers, not employees, are performing many of the jobs that helped build their leadership skills. Where will this organization, and others, find their future IT leaders if not from the junior ranks? The most obvious answer is to go where the jobs have gone and recruit from IT outsourcers and vendors. But these candidates are a mixed bag. Using Gartner's IT leadership competencies as context, it's likely that the potential candidates...

BlackBerry dan Perlindungan Rahasia Negara

Saya tertarik dengan perdebatan mengenai isu pemblokiran BlackBerry (BB). Yang menarik bagi saya bukan soal pemblokiran itu sendiri, tetapi sudah mulai sadarnya beberapa pihak tentang pentingnya pengamanan informasi negara. Belakangan ini, secara tidak sadar, banyak pejabat kita yang menggunakan BB, tanpa tahu konsekuensi keamanannya bagi kepentingan negara. Padahal, negara maju seperti Singapura, yang sangat “melek” teknologi informasi, telah lama melarang pegawai publik untuk menggunakan BB. Anehnya, lembaga negara yang tugasnya mendalami ini, seperti Lembaga Sandi Negara, saya lihat belum mengeluarkan statement bahayanya penggunaan BB bagi keamanan negara. Pejabat negara sekelas Presiden pun bisa "berlenggang-kanggung" bersama dengan staf intinya, termasuk para menteri dan staf khusus, menggunakan BB. Begitu juga saya lihat komunikasi di teman-teman Unit Kerja Presiden untuk Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan (UKP4). Dari dulu saya sempat bertanya, apakah ada yang sal...