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About Me

I was born in Medan, the capital city of North Sumatera, Indonesia, and grew-up in Jakarta. Just a few months after I was born, my parents moved to Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. I think most of you have heard Jakarta, one of the most crowded cities in the world, with full of traffic jam, not only during office hours, but also during heavy rain.

According to some international political experts, my country is one of the most democratic countries in the world. Do you agree with them? Unfortunately, becoming a democratic country can't guarantee there will be no corruption. Until now we still have a lot of corruption, nepotism, bad public service quality, and low human resources capacity. However, don't worry. It used to happened with some other countries during transition to democratic country. That is why it is very important to  implement national reform program. It will improve public service quality.

I studied in Jakarta since elementary school, started from SDN 05 Pagi Jakarta, a state school in East Jakarta. Then I continued to junior high school (SMPN 92 Jakarta) and senior high school (SMAN 36 Jakarta).

When I was at senior high school, I had a vision to be a chemistry engineer. However, when I finished senior high school, I had passed an acceptance test at a government accounting school  (STAN) with full of scholarship, for studying public sector accounting and auditing. In pact, I was also accepted as a student in chemistry engineering at one of government universities in Sumatra. Unfortunately, I had already joined STAN. It became a dilemma for me. I was very sad because I could not become a chemistry engineer. Maybe it's the God's plan for me.

After finishing a 3-year program with the degree Adjunct Accountant, I practiced as a junior auditor in Riau, near Singapore, in one of the government internal audit's branch offices. After two and half years in Riau, I continued my study at STAN and finally received a bachelor degree as an Accountant.

After getting undergraduate degree in Accounting, it's my luck, I was interviewed and finally got full scholarship from Binus University (BINUS), which at the same time had a direct cooperation with Curtin University of Technology. It means when I graduated from master degree I had two degree from Binus University and Curtin University of Technology with the major in information system management.

Now, I live in Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang Selatan, in the rural are, not far from Jakarta, with my wife and two love sons. I really love my place. At the weekend, I usually enjoy my life with my portable bicycle. I explore the geographic area from Bintaro Jaya to Serpong City. Some areas are still green with many natural trees and grasses.

I used to have metro train transportation from my home to my office in Jakarta. However now mostly I use car transportation. The transportation cost using car is very expensive in Indonesia. However, this is the best way to reach my office. If in the future the train service become better, no doubt, I'll be back and use it again. However, sometimes I still used the train if my driver was ill.

I love to read various topics, especially IS/IT. I hope I could share my experiences in IS/IT development to all of you, especially my experiences in implementing IS/IT in the Indonesian public sector. I love to share my knowledge, skills, and experiences when I was the Head of IT Development Section and also Head of Plan Preparation Division in one of the best Indonesian government institutions.

I hope you could also share your knowledge, skills, and experiences with me through this blog because I love to learn many things, not only in IS/IT. I also like to learn politics, philosophy, arts, etc. So, please don't hesitate to send me email. I will read it and reply my comments to you ASAP.

Now, my position is a senior lecturer at BINUS and STAN, beside my daily activity in the mid-level managerial position at one of a public sector agency, which my overall responsible is coordinating information system development.

At BINUS, usually I teach information systems development. Recently, I am guiding students in writing thesis with the topics related to IT risk, control, and governance. I'm also teaching information assurance architecture, a new challenging topic, at BINUS, and performance audit at STAN .

I also has an experience in planning process. I think you agree with me when we want to develop or implement a new IS/IT system, first we should do planning. It is part of IT governance process and could minimizing IT risk. However, maybe some of you don't care much about it. But, you should better start with a good planning for your IS/IT development before you move to implementation phase. As a wisdom word said, if you plan, you have already passed 50% of your job.

By the way, if you have any suggestion for my blog, please put it in the comments section. You can also give comment anonymously. No problem, I will be happy to read it. It will motivate me to improve this blog.


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